
PBS’ History Detectives investigates a well known tintype…

Written on:October 14, 2011
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A recent episode of PBS’ “History Detectives” investigated a tintype with two Confederate soldiers: Andrew Chandler and Silas Chandler, the issue is whether Silas, who was black, represents what some say was a willing black Confederate. The tintype is not a new discovery and there has already been a previously televised show regarding it and the controversial “Black Confederate” debate.

Mary Frances Berry, a history professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said the question of whether African Americans served in the Confederate Army has percolated for years. The idea, as some historical evidence suggests, that slaves willingly joined the Confederate Army is controversial today, not to mention deeply troubling to many African Americans. [Source]

Some historical evidence may suggest that Blacks fought willingly, but according to numerous historians this evidence is debatable if not incorrectly asessed.

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